Thursday, July 31, 2008

Would ya look at that?!

Well, if you know me, you know I am a bit of a procrastinator. So... why did I post 23 times tonight? I'll tell you... Our ISP is going under and I'm expecting any minute to lose my internet connection with no real clue about when I might procure a new one. (One of the joys of living in the house with a view... No DSL.)

So, here you go... Lots of photos. Please excuse the occasional out-of-order post. I was really hurrying!

I'll do my best to keep up with or without a connection to call my own.

(BTW, if you blog- I haven't been reading. Reading other's blogs reminds me that I am horribly behind on mine, so I don't. Now, I'm off to read yours until the connection vaporizes!)

Cael at the wading pool

If you haven't had the privilege of squishing Cael's pudgy (and I do mean, PUDGY) feet, here's a picture of what you're missing. And, yes, those are swim shorts!

Hmmmm.... something is not right here...

Cael really really likes the bath. Obviously!

Take the long way home...

Actually when we check the mail, we have no choice! It's a long walk to that mailbox. Longer when you forget the mail key and have to come home to get it, right Rhys?

Brennen loves to check the mail. Makes for a nice walk with mama, even though he runs ahead, then back to me, then ahead again, and so on...

Always on the lookout for a nice rock or two...

The keys. And the honor of carrying them both to and from the box. Sometimes the "from" part doesn't happen and they stay in our box. Our neighbors are very kind and bring them home.

Rhys and the owie

Just for fun, his "angry eyebrow" look...

Now, the "real" Rhys!

Here's the owie. He ran into the open kitchen window when running up our deck stairs. (Yeah, I know... who put a casement window there? I did. It made- and still makes- sense. It's just a hazard!) By the way, the first time he did it that day, I really felt bad for him. The second time, I wondered if he needed glasses!

When life gives you...

brothers.... Make sisters instead! Brennen doesn't mind now. When he's 15? That photo's going to give him fits.

Can't catch him...

Over and over and over again.... No wonder I'm tired. He just goes and goes and goes...

I love the cubby hands!

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No need for pets...

Our neighbors do all the work and we just get to enjoy them!

George went running with daddy!

In a desperate attempt to wear George out (and, hopefully, NOT build endurance), Jason took Brennen out running. Brennen loved it! Spent most of his time turning sideways so he could talk to his daddy. Now, he wants to run every day! Yikes...

Watching for dad & George on the road.

Adventure out back?

The boys had friends sleep over a few nights ago. Ethan, Seth, Rhys, and Brennen decided to "brave" the great outdoors (our backyard) and sleep in the tent. They didn't make it 20 minutes. I should have taken a picture of them camped out on the family room floor. In any case, they had a great time playing outside with flashlights!

Vacation Bible School

We helped out a bit with VBS at Grandma's church this year. Despite the lack of A/C and 100 degree weather, the kiddos had a great time!
Cael's taking a rest on Seth. Seth doesn't seem to mind, does he?
Kyleigh working on her babysitting skills. She's going to be great!

Wanna learn to knit?

Me too! Here's the overgrown washcloth I made for Cynde. She was very kind and praised my efforts despite its size and my obvious lack of attention to detail.

Fourth of July

We spent our Fourth of July at The House of the Four O's. It's become something of a tradition and we sure do have a great time! (Mary Beth- mama O- is married to my friend Wendy's - Truly Blessed- brother. Got it?!)

George having had a swim, dessert, and now fireworks at dark. Good day, eh?

Cael having watermelon by "firework" light. I couldn't even make out his silhouette when snapping these, but I knew he'd found my bowl and I know he LOVES watermelon!

Three toddler boys = no good photo

But the mamas sure are cute! This is the only other photo I have from Spokane. Carol and Bret are on the left. Cael in the middle. Jack and mama, Michelle, on the right. This is the best I could get. Notice the cute shirts? Notice the patient mamas? Thanks guys!
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Buddies in the bathtub...

Isn't Jack a ham? He's so funny. He jabbers all the time. I mean the kid says complete sentences. Of course, no one understands a single syllable. I swear, if I could just listen a little harder, I would know what he's saying. His conversations are so animated and seemingly complete, I can't wait until we can decipher. He has LOTS to say! Cael came home from our trip jabbering quite a bit more. Thanks for encouraging him, Jack! We had such a good time at your house!

I love my (extended) family too!

Here's my 1st family. My aunt Kati graciously has us over whenever we're in town. I don't know that she has any idea how much I love it!
That's her on the left, sitting next to my uncle Bob (Joann's hubby). Grandpa Ed is at the far end. Aunt Joann (my dad's sister) is sitting between Grandpa and my dad. My dad's brother Ed (Kati's hubby) is on the far right. Cael's off running around. He ended up with a bloody lip, a cut on the tongue, and a bleeding incident involving his gums that night. Three separate owies. Three separate accidents. Perhaps, I should watch him more closely?!

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The "Ongoing Debacle" heads East...

Cael's fan club (and Brennen). Clockwise from left: Bailey, Kjersten, Verna, Hannah, and Brennen (with an Ole in the middle!)

Cael loving the attention!

Loading up for the looooooooooooong trip ahead. If you haven't read about the debacle surrounding this trip, look here: The Ongoing Debacle

Here's the only photo I snapped of the newlyweds. I still haven't figured out who go pictures of the wedding that I can hijack and post... So, this will have to do for now.

Here's Cael with more teeth...

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