Monday, July 26, 2010

T-ball 2010

I might be the only parent on the planet that thinks the t-ball season is far to short! I just don't tire of it... This year, I took on team parent duties (after seven years of kids playing ball, I figured I'm due...). Bad call. There are some rude, lazy, cheap people having kids these days. I don't see me signing up for that job again anytime soon!

George waiting for his teammates to get the show on the road!

Explaining something to Coach John.

Explaining something else to Coach John.

Looks like Coach John is explaining a thing or two to George!

Ready to catch!

A little coach pitch in a t-ball game!

George instructing the third baseman on what he ought to be doing!

Running for home!
We're already counting the days until ball season begins again! Fortunately, George is signed up for fall soccer so he'll have some organized running to keep him busy soon!

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Ain't No Wild Waves... But We Love It

Someday, George isn't going to have that black tooth and I do believe I'm going to miss it!

Auntie Sara & Uncle Josh (Sure is awesome when they come along...)

Waiting for the big bucket dump... notice Josh keeping Cael from breaking free!

(This is the waterpark we went to when I was Rhys' age: Wild Waves)

Cael turns three... finally!

Yes, his birthday is May 21st. However, you will notice only TWO candles on the cake. Cael did not want turn three. He wanted to stay "two half"! So insistent was he, we went along with it.

Turns out that just this week (a full two months later), he's decided that now he'll be three. Fabulous. Just in time to go to the movies tomorrow. He went from being free to $6. Way to go Cael.

Lovin' the Buzz cake with its two candles!

George giving some instruction on the art of t-ball.

Bret sending one down the hall to a waiting Cael.

Now, there's a good end to a great party! Brennen, Maddie & Cael...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Love, love, love summer....

We got to hang with some friends the other night to celebrate John's 9th birthday. What a glorious summer evening! I want to bottle it up and keep a bit for those February nights when winter won't relax it's grip and summer seems impossibly far away...

Katie patiently refilled water guns 1000 times! Cael thinks she's magic! Bjorn just liked to soak her leg, over and over and over....

Cael comin' after the mama firing with both hands! John is right behind with ammo as well!

Kjersten taking another turn on the zip line. When Rhys arrived at the party (after karate), he spent the whole evening on this thing! Our friends do have the best backyard in the whole world! (Just ask my kiddos!)

George & Zeb shooting at John's grandpa, Bill, who had the BIG water blaster gun. Bill politely obliged their request for a gun fight and the little boys got a much deserved and thoroughly enjoyed soaking!

Nathan & Jason didn't seem to mind the chaos. Of course, they were chatting out the the line of fire, happily ignoring their combined 9 children!