Sunday, July 15, 2007

Tummy time gone wrong...

I am guilty of not providing much tummy time. I'd rather hold the baby when he's awake! So as not to contribute to weak neck muscles and delayed crawling, I put Cael on his belly this morning. (George is still sleeping- so it's safe...) Anyhow, he seemed fairly entertained so I ran downstairs to switch laundry. Gone 3 minutes. I come back and, yeah... Cael is snoozin'

How's he going to learn to crawl if he won't stay awake!


berrypatch said...

Thanks for the chuckle. Too cute!!!
Lisa in ME (SHS)

Cynthia said...

CRAWL? Not yet! That's such a cute picture.

Lisa in Jax said...

He is absolutely adorable! Tummy time does not go well