Thursday, October 25, 2007

Big bad baby boy can sit...

Here's Cael. 5 months on Sunday. He is getting very good at sitting. The Boppy behind him is for the mama's peace of mind- nothing else. He's emptying his toy box and having a great time. He still thinks he's getting away with doing something naughty while he's happily removing one toy at a time!

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Wendy said...

oh thank you thank you thank you!! I LOVE all the sweet pictures of Cael. He's just too cute for words. I now feel like I've got my baby fix for the week. :) Oh, and I love his sleeper! How comfy is that?!

Cynthia said...

He's just growing up TOO fast!

Hidden Jewel said...

They seem much more content when they can finally sit on their own. RJ just started sitting a couple weeks ago.