Saturday, March 22, 2008

A bit of sunshine and out they go...

Nice shot, Rhys!

Note our serious lack of yard. (Oh, and the open door. You'd think my bug-phobic kids would leave the door closed. You'd be wrong.) We're, and by we I really mean Jason, are building a retaining wall on the left side of the house. Once that's complete, we'll be able to plant grass here without having it wash down the hill. Some day kids... some day...


Anonymous said...

You may not have the beautiful yard you want, but you do have a beautiful house sitting behind all those dried up weeds. :) The grass will come!


Prindle 4-2 said...

For having a mom with little to no depth perception and a dad with soem thick glasses, your kids have a very good aim!! (Rhys and Brennen)