Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Snacks for the Mama...

My favorite snack ever... And, now, Costco carries it so it's actually affordable!

In an attempt to eliminate (or drastically reduce) my Diet Coke dependence, I tried this. Ummm... Not quite the same. Not at all the same. Not a good substitute. Turns out, I really love the carbonation and the Coke flavor. Hmmm... Any suggestions?


berrypatch said...

No help with the diet Coke thing. I'm hooked on Diet Mt. Dew myself. ::sigh:: I have lots of "mommy snacks" that I won't share. One I used to buy were plain cereal bars. I now buy them for my youngest who calls them "mommy snacks." ;-) I know wha the means but it certainly confuses hubby. LOL

Colleen said...

Can't help you on the pop issue. I also drink Lipton's Diet Green Tea, but sometimes I just want a Diet Coke!

cj said...

How about diet Dr. Pepper?!
just kidding. I need something to replace that morning coffee. tea and cocoa just don't cut it.